Sunday, November 11, 2012

Natural Anti-biotic "Russian Penicillin"

I've been studying natural remedies for several years now, and this one seems to take the cake for multi-purpose treatment.  I've seen it prepared so many ways, I could write a book on just that.  This way is the fastest, which suits my busy life perfectly.  Some use blenders, some boil the concoction, etc... and while it's rumored that that can unlock some of the potency, I'm a firm believer in the benefits of full blown enzymatic action, which is lost when heating foods higher than 118°F.  There are books written about the medicinal power of garlic, and some cultures have sworn by it for centuries.  Grapefruit juice has compounds called furanocoumarins that inhibit digestive enzymes from breaking down medications, leaving more to be fully absorbed into the body.  That's why a good nurse will tell you not to eat grapefruit or drink grapefruit juice with various drugs, like statins and pain meds.  In short Grapefruit juice potentiates or makes medications stronger!  Garlic is a strong anti-biotic, and that has been scientifically proven.  When you take grapefruit juice with garlic, it potentiates its effects, therefore, making it a more powerful anti-biotic.  I have yet to hear of anyone over dosing on garlic, so I think that this anti-biotic is a much safer choice to keep in the house with children.  There are no side effects, except maybe a little garlic breath and gas (if you take a ton of it).  Hey, at least the vampires will stay back if nothing else :)
This is the only anti-biotic I've ever used on my children to date, and along with Goldenseal, the only one I have personally used in over 5 years.  I am amazed at how well it works for my family, and I hope that it works for yours too.

1 Ripe grapefruit
1 clove of garlic (one section of a garlic head)

Cut your grapefruit in half and squeeze juice into a glass (both halves)
Peel the skin from your garlic clove and discard
Chop garlic into tiny pieces (that you can swallow whole, like a pill)
Put the garlic pieces into your mouth, and swallow down with the grapefruit juice
DON'T CHEW IT UP! It'll burn your tongue.

Do this 3 times a day for 10 days

You can increase your dosage amount to 2 grapefruits juice, and 2 cloves if you really want to get a powerful dose in.

**I suggest buying a large bag of grapefruits and 2 heads of garlic, so you'll have plenty on hand.  ONLY USE FRESH PRODUCE.  The stuff in cans and jars have lost a lot of the properties that heal.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Lentil Chili

I woke up at 5 o'clock this morning with a hankering for chili....  and because my husband wasn't here for breakfast, I can do whatever I want.  I can really get wild and crazy...which means chili, before 9a.m.! Wooooowhooo!  This recipe is pretty simple, and can be modified to your liking easily.

(GF) To make this gluten free, leave out the veggie crumbles.

Sorry for the ugly camera phone picture, my husband took the camera with him!
1/2 Cup Lentils
1 Small-Medium onion diced
1 Large potato cubed (I used an organic yellow)
1 Cup of veggie crumbles (optional) (ex: boca burger, worthington, or make your own)
1 Can of Pinto beans
1 Can of black beans
1 Can of diced tomatoes (drained)
1 Can of tomato sauce (15 oz)
1 Tbs sea salt
2 heaping Tbs chili powder
1 dash of cayenne
1 Tbs beef style seasoning (optional)
1 Tbs miso (optional)

Boil lentils, onion, and potato until soft
Drain off excess water
Add remaining ingredients and heat on medium heat until hot
Add or reduce salt to your needs :)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Sore Throat Remedy

Sore Throats are the pits!  But this cool little remedy is a goodie to keep on hand through the winter months.  So soothing, so lovely!  

1 lemon, sliced into thin slices
a few thin slices of ginger (I use 2, you can use more if you're a big fan)
Organic honey

Combine in a jar, and refrigerate.  It will become a jelly-like substance.  When needed, take one teaspoon out, put into a cup, and cover with boiling water.  Mix, let cool a little,  and drink! Stores 1-3 months.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Heart burn/Acid Reflux Remedy

In a perfect world all people would be the same, and each bodily malfunction would be treated the same.... but this is not a perfect world, and unfortunately each person is different.  So while this remedy works for most, if you have an odd issue causing your acid reflux, this may not work.
Did you know that medications like Nexium and Prilosec are the most prescribed medications on the planet? ! The idea behind most of these medications, including Tums and the like, is too inhibit, or stop acid production in the stomach, but come to find out, less acid is not what we need!  Actually a high percentage of Acid Reflux, or GERD (Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease) is caused by a lack of acid production in the gut.  So if you're taking these medications, you could be exaggerating the problem.  There's a tender balance of acids and alkalines in the gut, and disturbing that can cause a burn like the fires of Gahanna!  Try replacing the acid with a citric acid.

Ingredients: 1 Lemon

Cut lemon into 4 pieces
Squeeze once piece into your mouth and swallow juice, and then eat the "meat" of that piece
Discard the peel
Feel the burn! (current erosion in the esophagus will make itself known by burning while swallowing the lemon juice
Wait 5 to 10 minutes
If your problem is lack of acid production, your heart burn or acid reflux will be gone within minutes

To reduce Heartburn and acid reflux stay away from vinegar... that includes condiments like ketchup, mustard, and salad dressing!  Coffee and carbonated beverages exacerbate the pain also.

Eye Stye Remedy

Oh the joys of having a giant inflamed stye on your eye.  I mean nothing screams I'm confident and ready to face the world like a giant pulsating interference on your face!  Okay, so how to move on with your life?  The natural remedies encyclopedia and many other credible sources say that a potato has an incredible quality about it that pulls the stye to the surface and speeds healing.  Early treatment is best.

1 raw potato
1 gauss cloth or folded napkin
Your joyful face

On a cutting board, cut a small piece of your potato off, about the size of the tip of your thumb (from the knuckle to the tip)
Put the rest in a ziplock and refrigerate for later
With a very sharp knife, cut the small piece into the tiniest pieces imaginable, you want to make this into a puree... so chop away, until it just a bunch of juicy mush
Put the mush on your cloth and put directly on the stye or area that feels like it's becoming a stye
Hold it there while you relax and pout
This needs to be replaced with a new "poultice" every two hours
Keep this in place as much as you can throughout the day

I haven't personally tried this, but there are many that swear by it.  If you get styes often, you need to be washing your face every night (removing eye makeup) and consider buying new mascara more often.  Clogged pores are usually the culprit.

Diaper Rash Remedy

Diaper rash is usually caused by exposure to urine and feces, and lack of oxygen. It can also be caused by yeast (candida), or chemical burn.  I recently found out about all of the harsh and dangerous chemicals in baby wipes, so if you have done all you can, and your baby still has a sore and red bottom, consider using a wet napkin, or cloth instead of store bought wipes.  There are also all natural recipes for wipes you can find on the internet, like my favorite by wellnessmama.  But, if your baby has just the everyday diaper rash, clean them up really well, and just let that hiney get some air!  Lay them on a pee pad or towel for their nap, or overnight with no diaper on.  You may have a small mess to clean up, but the redness will miraculously disappear with just of few hours of air exposure.  After you've aired out those cheeks, opt for a simple, edible grade product to keep the buns dry.  Try using cornstarch from the baking aisle instead of perfumed baby powder.  All of those chemicals are not necessary, and they do more harm than good.  Traditional store bought diaper rash ointment is filled with harmful ingredients also, and has been proven to cause nerve damage.  Zinc oxide is the ingredient that is helpful to healing.  It can be purchased online without additives, if you feel your baby needs a strong ointment.  I have used a product called "Dream Creme" from Kabana skin care, which is made with edible grade oils and Zinc oxide.  It's terrible that companies will put out hurtful products to make a buck, but we as parents must be the diligent ones, protecting our babies from all that we can.

Delectable Fruit Roll

Yes, I use Pillsbury a lot, give me a break, I have a three year old and a nine month old!  But even if I didn't, I'd still be inclined to use these recipes.... they're just unbelievably good! This is perfect for your breakfast entree, or for brunch, and social gatherings that involve lattes and hot cocoa. This sensation, just happened to come together after looking at a similar concoction in "Seven Secrets".  It's hard to believe that there is no added sweetener in this rich roll.  It is definitely a crowd pleaser, and it's pretty easy too. She's not the most beautiful entree, but she's a winner.

1 can Pillsbury Crescent Rolls
1.5 Cups Date Pieces
1/4 Cup Dried berries (I use the great value brand from walmart)
2 Cups water

Directions: (photos posted below)
Put your dates in the blender
Boil 2 cups of water, and pour over dates until covered
Let sit for 5 to 7 minutes to soften
Pour off water until the tops of the dates are visible
Blend smooth, add water a little at a time if needed to blend
Roll out Crescent roll flat on an oiled cookie sheet
Spoon date spread onto crescent dough and smooth evenly 
Sprinkle dried berries onto date spread
Roll up crescent roll like a tootsie roll
Bake 15 minutes COVERED on 350 degrees
Then uncover and bake 20 minutes or until golden tan
Remove from oven and slice into about 6 portions with a sharp knife (careful, don't push down hard, or you'll mush out all of the filling... use a sawing motion gently)
Serve warm, freezes well for later!

Cover dates with hot water

Spoon onto dough, and spread evenly
Sprinkle dried berries evenly

Roll up like a tootsie roll, cover and bake

Slice with a sharp knife (don't push too hard! Use sawing motion)  The pre-made perforations will sometimes detach, but that's okay, it doesn't hurt the taste :)
 I like to serve two portions on each person's plate, that way they don't have to get up for seconds, they will definitely want more.  Enjoy!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Homemade Peanut Butter

This really isn't too much of a recipe, it's more of a short process.  I absolutely love peanut butter, and I've made it two ways.  One: you have to have a high-powered blender, like the Vita-Mix, or two:  you have to have a juicer, like a champion juicer.  This may very well work in a food processor, but I've never tried it, so you're on your own until I venture out that way :)  This is easy, and much healthier than those with hydrogenated oils, and high fructose corn syrup.  I keep mine in the refrigerator, but I don't know that it's necessary.

2 Cups of roasted peanuts (salted or unsalted)
1 Tbs. of Agave nectar, maple syrup, or raw unheated honey (or regular, if you don't have it)
1/2 tsp. of salt (or more to taste)
1 tsp. carob powder (optional)

Place all ingredients in your Vita mix and blend, pushing the peanut butter down with the wand (safety lid in place), until smooth and creamy
If using a champion juicer, put all ingredients in a bowl, mix until well coated, and spoon into juicer, pressing as you would fruits and vegetables. (using the solid plate, instead of a screen)
Have your storage container ready on the other end!

Super Fast Blueberry Cobbler

If you know anything about blueberry cobbler, the last thing you think of is "super fast".  I personally, think of super slow, country, made from scratch, sat in the kitchen window to cool.  But this southern girl doesn't have time for that, most of the time.  Every now and then, you're hit with an impromptu invite to a social gathering, and oddly enough when you ask "what should I bring?" the answer is always the same, "bring a dessert".  That's been my experience anyway.  Super-fast and Vegan are rarely mentioned in the same sentence, at least until you've got this thing down to a science and have perfected the skill of baking in bulk.  One day while scrambling to come up with a dessert that wouldn't ruin my reputation, or make us an unfashionable 2 hours late, I threw together 2 pre-made ingredients, that just so happened to become the life of every social gathering.   I've promised and delayed for long enough.  Here is the secret to my super fast, super splendid, blueberry cobbler!

2 cans of Pillsbury crescent rolls
1 can of pre-made blueberry pie filling (make sure it doesn't contain Gelatin! I use Lucky brand)

In a medium sized, oiled, casserole dish, roll out one can of dough
Open your can of pie filling and pour onto dough, spread even with the back of a spoon
(Add additional blueberries if you want it really full, like pictured)
Roll out second can of dough on top of filling
Bake for 20-25 minutes, until golden tan

I use this dessert to entertain guest, except to make it exceptional, I serve it hot with a dollop of vegan ice cream on top.  Make you wanna slap somebody!

Thursday, August 30, 2012


This bread is awesome... it can be used for just about anything!  Loaves, pizza crust, calzones, biscuits, whatever your pleasure!

Using an electric carving knife will give you nice even slices!

Just separate into 3 pieces, roll into 3 logs, and braid.  Sprinkled with garlic and Rosemary here.

1 tsp. bread yeast  (or 1 packet)
1 tsp. salt (sea)
1 Tbs. soy lecithin (optional)
2 Tbs. honey
2 Tbs. sugar-free applesauce (optional) 
3 C. whole wheat flour
1 1/4 C. warm water

other options:
1 tsp. Italian seasoning
1 tsp. Rosemary
1 tsp. Garlic
Possibilities are endless

~place bread yeast in a mixing bowl with honey and water (must be very warm almost hot), and allow to sit for about 5 minutes.  This allows the yeast to “come alive”.  If your yeast is active it will double, and bubble to the top of the water.  That is what you want!
~then mix in remaining ingredients.  Knead dough for about 7 minutes.  Kneading is just squeezing, pushing, and pulling, folding, punching... “working” the dough.  I like to let my bread machine mix and knead.  Less work for me!  You can purchase a bread machine for around $20 and up.
~roll into a smooth ball or football shape (it doesn’t have to be perfect), and place in an oiled bread pan. 
~set in a warm place and let rise for about 45 min. to an hour. (the microwave is a perfect place to sit it, just don’t turn it on!), or place in refrigerator covered with clear wrap, and let set several hours or until doubled in size.
~bake on 350° for 26-30 minutes (ovens vary, I do 28 min.)
~after cool,  slice with a very sharp knife, or an electric knife.

Vegan Spinach Calzones

My hair is blonde, and my skin is not olive... but that doesn't stop me from believing that I'm Italian.  My entire family adores Italian food, so don't be surprised if the majority of my post are just that.  Today,  I served up calzones to the hungry bunch.  They're pretty easy, and this recipe makes enough for 4.  As always, feel free to switch vegetables to shake it up a bit!

(GF)  To make these calzones gluten free, use a GF pizza crust mix, such as Arrowhead Mills

Pairs nicely with my stuffed spaghetti squash, and a fresh salad

4 cups fresh baby spinach, chopped
1/2 cup chopped mushrooms
1/2 cup shredded Daiyah Mozzarella
1/4 cup chopped onion
1 bread recipe (or pillsbury pizza crust in the can if you're short on time)
3/4 box of mori nu tofu (extra firm) 8 oz.
3/4 cup vegan mayo (I like vegenaise when I don't make my own)
1 Tbs. chopped sun-dried tomatoes (optional)
1 tsp. lemon juice
1 tsp. salt
2 tsp.. garlic salt
1 Tbs. vegan butter (smart balance light or Earth balance are great)
1 tsp. rosemary

Saute spinach, mushrooms, onion, and salt in a Tbs. of water on a non-stick frying pan (or spray with oil) Add spinach LAST, it only takes a minute to cook down (add water, if needed)
Set sauteed ingredients to the side for a moment
Separate your bread dough into 4 equally sized portions and roll into balls (if you're using canned pizza crust, just get your dough out, stretch it gently while still rolled up (to make it longer), and cut into 4 equal portions with a knife)
Roll your 4 balls flat with a pin roller, or press with hands into circles (if using canned pizza crust, just unroll the 4 portions into their original rectangle shape)
Leave bread for a moment
In a mixing bowl mix your tofu, sun-dried tomatoes (optional), vegan mayo, daiyah mozzarella, lemon juice, and sauteed veggies with a fork
Save your garlic salt and rosemary for the topping

Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Spoon your mixture onto the center of each dough circle (or rectangle if using canned crust) dividing equally
lift one side of the circle (or rectangle), and fold over, inclosing your spinach mixture
Repeat on each one
Take your fork, and press the edges together to thoroughly close in your mixture (or pinch the edges)
Carefully lift each closed calzone and place on an oiled cookie sheet
Place in the oven for 20 minutes on 350 degrees
Remove from oven and spread vegan butter on top, evenly divided
Sprinkle your garlic salt and rosemary onto the top, evenly divided (don't skip this, this is a large portion of your flavoring)  You don't have to use all of the garlic salt, but more is better to me!
Place back in oven for 2 minutes OR until dough is tan and done.  
Let cool for a few minutes for a nicer cut.... cut in halves and serve.

**Serve with a dipping bowl of marinara, if so inclined

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Stuffed Spaghetti Squash

How delighted I am to tell you of todays adventure.  Just recently a friend asked me if I had experimented with spaghetti squash at all... I said no, because I don't have access to it.  Well, I'll be dog, I found it the next day at good old wally world.  OH! I can't tell you how rich and buttery the smell of them roasting is.  Pluggins should be scented "winter squash" for the fall season line.  This is my first experience with this lovely vegetable, so I imagine there will be many improvements made, but I had to share this absolute delight with you, while they're in season.  This recipe is for ONLY 1 squash, so if you're serving 2, double the ingredients.  Enjoy!

Stick a knife into squash 4 times for ventilation, and place on a pan.  Cook 1 hr or 1.5 hours for 2, on 350

Cut in half long ways, and de-seed with a fork

Scrape insides into a large bowl, and save the "shell"
1 Spaghetti Squash
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. garlic salt
1 tsp. italian seasoning
2 Tbs. vegan bakon bits (most grocery stores carry a kosher, artificially flavored bacon bit)
1 heaping Tbs. of vegan butter (like Smart balance light or Earth balance)
1/2 Cup of Daiyah Mozzarella cheese (purchase from kroger or healthfood store)

Add all ingredients into bowl with squash
Mix with fork and return to squash shells
Sprinkle the top with Daiyah and return to oven
Bake on 350 for 20 minutes, until cheese is melted

Voila!  Serve in the shell, or if you're serving several people, put in table center with dipping spoon

Vegan Cashew Cheese

This cheese sauce is great to use on almost anything.  I keep this on hand at all times, for sandwiches, broccoli and cheese, cheesy potatoes, chip dip, veggie dip, pizza, lasagna, burritos, etc.  The flaxseed adds nutritional value, and thickness, but does not change the taste.  Cheese will set up/stiffen in the refrigerator.  Add water, if you need it more runny for sauces.

2 C. cashews (raw or roasted)
1.5 C. water
6 Tbs. nutritional yeast flakes
1 jar pimientos (4 oz/half cup)
1 Tbs. flaxseeds (optional)
3 tsp. salt
2 tsp. dill weed
4 tsp. onion powder
0.5 tsp. garlic powder
4 Tbs. lemon juice

~add all ingredients to a blender and blend smooth.  
To check smoothness, rub cheese between finger and thumb, you should feel no graininess.  It may take several minutes to blend if you don’t have a high powered industrial blender. 
~add water a little at a time, if it becomes too thick to blend 
~put into a tupperware bowl and refrigerate, it lasts at least 2 weeks, but it’s never hung in my fridge for longer than that!

Scrambled "Teggs" (Tofu)

This is so easy, even my husband can do it.  It's so cute, he even adds things like chopped onions, and whatever spices he is familiar with.  This can be dressed up all kinds of ways, but I'm just going to give you the basics, and let you be creative.  Think "breakfast burrito".... (peppers, onions, etc.)

Served on bread rounds as a sandwich with fresh baby spinach

1 box of mori-nu silken tofu (firm or extra firm)
1 Tbs. Bragg's Liquid Aminos (or soy sauce)
1.5 Tbs. Chicken-like seasoning

**Extra options:
Chopped onions, mushrooms, bell pepper, hot peppers (saute in fryer before adding tofu), my cashew cheese (see recipe link below), Or 1/2 tsp. of smoked paprika (reminds me of bacon and eggs!)

Drain your tofu box, and then squeeze your tofu out into an oiled frying pan
(you don't need a lot of oil, maybe none if using a non-stick pan)
If you still have big hunks of tofu, mash them a little with a fork, until they look like what's pictured
Turn heat to medium high 
Drizzle Bragg's over tofu
Sprinkle Chicken-like seasoning over tofu
Mix around with a wooden spatula, until most tofu is seasoned
Let it cook!

This definitely takes longer than real eggs to cook.  In a thin light-weight fryer, it takes about 7 minutes to brown.  Leave it alone, and let it brown on one side, checking every so often, and once it's browned a little, shovel it around with your spatula, letting other sides brown.  This only takes about 2 minutes.  You'll see that it becomes dryer, and starts looking like scrambled eggs.  I wash and cut fruit, while I'm letting it brown to save time.  *To make these tofu-eggs rock your world, add 2 Tbs. of my cashew cheese recipe!

**Put this on a tortilla wrap with spinach, avocado, vegan mayo, and cashew cheese, and brown the tortilla wrap in the fryer after its all wrapped up, watch your family try to chew and smile :D

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Quick blueberry pancakes

I'm not going to lie to you, when I don't have time to mix up a great flour blend for pancakes, I resort to Aunt Jemima.  Thankfully she has a Whole Wheat pancake mix, and that's what I've used here.  There is a great gluten free pancake mix offered at walmart, unfortunately, I can't remember what brand it is.  This only takes about 10 minutes.  Hope you enjoy them as much as we did ♥

(GF) To make these gluten free, use a GF pancake mix.

1 Cup Aunt Jemima Whole Wheat blend pancake mix
1 Cup Almond, soy, or rice milk
1 Tbs. Olive oil (or your favorite oil)
1 Tbs. Corn starch
1 handful of fresh or frozen blueberries (don't thaw them or they'll get mushy)

In a medium sized mixing bowl mix your dry ingredients 
Then add your wet and mix thoroughly
You want your batter to be thick as opposed to runny
You can always add flour if you make it too runny
Add blueberries right before you start cooking, and mix quickly
don't mix too much, or your mix will turn blue

In a med to large frying pan, spray 3 spots
Turn your eye on medium high
Spoon 2 Tbs. of batter onto your oiled spots
You should now have 3 pancakes cooking
This makes them flat, you want them big and puffy
Watch them closely so they don't burn, it takes about 2 minutes on my stove
When they're golden, and won't fall apart, flip with the spatula, the other side only takes about 1 minute too cook
If your pancakes look dark, but you still see some doughy parts, turn your heat down, and let them cook slower.

*Serves nicely with fruit and or grits.  Top with pure maple syrup, agave nectar, or applesauce to lower the caloric value

Vegan Pizza!

Another go-to for those days when you just don't have the time, or will to come up with something amazing and new.  I'm so glad that I finally received verification from pillsbury that their crescent rolls and pizza crust are indeed vegan.  This pizza is nothing fancy, but boy is it a winner!  Daiyah cheese makes it unbeatable.  Change it up to your choice toppings, just make sure if you use spinach to put it under the marinara, so that it doesn't dry out.  This recipe makes 2 large rectangular pizzas.

(GF) Variation - To make your pizza gluten free, use a gluten free pizza crust mix such as Arrowhead mills.  Daiyah cheese is gluten free (Thank God!)

Some of my favorite ingredients!


2 cans pillsbury pizza crust
1 jar Barilla (Tomato Basil is great!)
half of a zucchini chopped
half of a squash chopped
half cup of chopped mushrooms
half cup of chopped onion
1-2 cups Daiyah mozarrella cheese
half cup of chopped spinach
seitan chopped (meat alternatives are always optional)

On 2 large rectangular OILED cookie sheets-
Roll out your pizza crusts
pull the edges to spread out the dough evenly
sprinkle dough with chopped spinach evenly
pour marinara (slowly) on top of the spinach, and spread even with the back of a spoon, make
sure to leave about a half inch with no marinara, so you can grab your pizza
sprinkle cheese evenly over marinara (however much you like)
sprinkle your veggie toppings and your veggie meats (if you so chose)
Bake for about 20 minutes on 350, or until your edges are golden

*Serve with a crisp salad!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Vegan Burger Crumbles

I like to make my own alternatives to meat when I have time.  I do still buy the occasional bag of boca burger, but this recipe gets the job done!  It freezes well for later use, and thaws quickly.  Great to use in casseroles, soups, spaghetti, or whatever you can dream up.

Voila, Burger Crumbles, after chunks were chopped in a vita-mix

1(15oz)can blackbeans

1/4 C. Nutritional Yeast
6 Tbs. Beef like seasoning
2 tsp. onion powder
1/4 tsp. Hickory (liquid) smoke
2 tsp. garlic powder
1 tsp. paprika
1 Tbs. Bragg’s liquid aminos
2 Tbs. Soy sauce
1/4 C. olive oil
water to equal 4 cups of
liquid total (about 2.5 C.)
3 1/4 C. Gluten flour

~mix all ingredients, except the flour in a blender, blend until smooth and creamy
~mix liquid into flour and fold and knead for about 5 minutes (or place all ingredients in a bread maker and let it mix and knead for you!)
Gluten should hold together and not stick to your hands, you may have to add a little flour if it’s too wet, or add water, if it’s to dry
~shape into a log and roll like a tootsie roll in parchment paper twisting the ends
~roll again in foil and twist the ends
~steam for 1 hour then bake on 350〫for 1 hour
~unroll and let cool completely
~cut into deli slices (for sandwiches), cut into large portions (to serve with gravy), or cut into chunks and process into crumbles (for burger crumbles or BBQ)! Freezes well.

Southern Herbal

There aren't many women from the south that don't enjoy a good cup of sweet tea.  I personally love sweet tea, but I'm not so crazy about all of the processing, and toxins that come with the regular black tea we enjoy so much.  Not to mention caffeine will wreck your nervous system.  My friend Debra introduced me to this herbal mix that is refreshing and healthy, and resembles the taste of the old southern favorite.  Celestial Tea brand is great, and it's sold in most grocery stores.  Slice a lemon and take this to the porch for some good southern sittin' and sippin' ;)


5 bags of Tangerine Orange Zinger Tea Or Peach tea
2 bags of Chamomile Tea
1 bag of Peppermint Tea
1/4 - 1/2 Cup of unrefined sugar 


~bring 2 cups of water to a boil, and remove from heat
~add tea bags and let steep for 10 minutes
~pour into a 2 quart pitcher, add sugar and stir until dissolved
~add water to equal 2 quarts (I add ice and water to cool, if serving immediately)

Vegan Turkey Loaf

Even as a Vegan, sometimes you miss having that holiday turkey or ham (if you weren't raised vegan). And sometimes you get fed up with buying those expensive "meat-free" sandwich slices.  I wanted something without Carrageenan and preservatives, etc.  So I began a quest to find the perfect "Meat".  I searched vegan blogs, and recipe books, and finally settled on a culmination of my favorites.  Here is a Turkey Roll, good for fillets, sandwiches, or processed and used as BBQ!  Hope you enjoy.  Keep in mind gluten is very tricky, it may take a few times before you get it just right, because the consistency varies according to the flour.

So sorry, there is no gluten free version of this roll :(

Cutting thin slices takes much patience Daniel-son.  Consider using an electric carving knife.

 3/4 C. Cashews
 1/4 C. Nutritional Yeast flakes
 2 Tbs. Chicken like seasoning
 1 tsp. onion powder
 1 tsp. Hickory (liquid) smoke
 1 tsp. salt
 1.5 C. water
 2 Tbs. Whole wheat flour
 2 C. Gluten flour

Directions for either loaf you chose:
~mix all ingredients, except the flour in a blender, blend until smooth and creamy
~mix liquid into flour and fold and knead for about 5 minutes (or place all ingredients in a bread maker and let it mix and knead for you!)
Gluten should hold together and not stick to your hands, you may have to add a little flour if it’s too wet, or add water, if it’s to dry
~shape into a log and roll like a tootsie roll in parchment paper twisting the ends
~roll again in foil and twist the ends
~steam for 1 hour then bake on 350〫for 1 hour
~unroll and let cool completely
~cut into deli slices (for sandwiches), cut into large portions (to serve with gravy), or cut into chunks and process into crumbles (for burger crumbles or BBQ)! Freezes well.

These recipes are so diverse, the uses are endless!