Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Watermelon Pizza!

It's summer, and that means watermelon!  You can get super festive with this little treat.  I used the fruit that you see here, because it's the Fourth of July this week, and we're celebrating with Red, White, and Blue!  A friend of mine served this at potluck the other day, and I was delightfully surprised when I tasted it.  I thought it would taste like... well... watermelon, but the jam that's used at the base adds a pop of sweetness that is irresistible!  The kids will love this... and any other excitable pedestrians that walk by.


Strawberry jam (spreadable)
Fruit of your choice (pictured are: blueberries and coconut shredds)
Whole watermelon

~Wash your fruit
~Cut watermelon in half, and then slice the same way in 1 inch portions (should be in circular shape, like a pizza)
~Cut each circle into triangles, like you slice a pizza
~Spread strawberry jam on each slice
~Top with your favorite fruit (such as kiwi, bananas, almond slivers, etc.)


Thanks Jesse for the cool idea!

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