Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Homemade Anti-bacterial Cleaner

I've been on a new kick lately, my husband and I have decided that most people would die without wal-mart... no, I mean literally.  It seems like most people these days, especially my generation (1980's babies) and younger don't know how to survive without store-bought products.  No one even knows how to grow their own food, a basic skill that everyone knew a hundred years ago.  So, we've decided to start our own informal education on how to sustain without a bunch of store bought stuff.  Sure, I'll have to buy some basics in bulk, like vinegar, baking soda, essential oils, etc., but those things keep for a long time when stored properly, and can be used for a huge range of household needs.  This was my first attempt at making an all-purpose cleaner, and it will get the kitchen and bathroom clean without toxic chemicals and busting the bank.  I used it yesterday to clean the kitchen, and I was pretty well pleased over-all.  This spray can be used in conjunction with baking soda for hard build-up and nasty toilets.  I also found that with stuck on food and the like, it's better to spray on and leave for a minute or two before you wipe.  I plan to improve this lil' booger, but for now, it works!  Hope you'll enjoy your fume free home.


1 empty spray bottle ( I used an old windex bottle)
1 glass jar ( I used an empty marinara jar)
2-3 Cups of vinegar
1 tsp sea salt
2-3 Cups of water (preferably distilled)
2-3 Cups of citrus peels (oranges, lemons, grapefruits, or a mixture)
10 drops of Tea Tree oil (optional, for anti-bacterial purposes)
5-10 drops of essential oil of your choice (optional, for smell only, I used Sweet Orange)

Vinegar and water work perfectly fine without the other ingredients, but the citrus peels give it more power, the Tea Tree oil adds an anti-bacterial, and the essential oil just adds a nice smell.  Feel free to omit any of it, besides the vinegar and water.


Fill your clean glass jar halfway with vinegar (2-3 cups, depending on the size of your jar)
Stuff your leftover citrus peels into the jar, sprinkle with a teaspoon of salt, and put the lid on (the salt draws out the citrus oil), no need to refrigerate
Add your citrus peels each day, or feel free to peel all of your citrus and store the "meat"in a tupperware container in the fridge for later use, that way you can go ahead and fill up your jar!
Add your water as your jar fills with peels, so that they are always submerged
Give it a little shake every few days to mix up the vinegar and water
After about 3 to 5 days your mixture is ready to use!
Pour your liquid into an empty clean spray bottle and add your oils, close and give it a little shake
Refill your jar with vinegar and water
You can re-use these peels twice!

 Vinegar is about $2.00 per gallon, water is... well whatever your city charges or well pumps ( cents per gallon?), Orange peels are free, considering they're trash (if you eat a lot of fruit, like we do), essential oils can be a little pricey, but you only use a few drops and it's not even necessary.  I get great prices on essential oils at  I've heard that mixtures like these will last for months un-refrigerated.  So, you can continue to spend $5 or more on one bottle of cleaner, or you can recycle your bottles and jars, and spend a few cents per bottle with the additional satisfaction of making your own stuff, and ridding your home of toxic chemicals!

My husband hates the smell of vinegar, so I'm concocting something new as an alternative :/  Be on the look out!

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