Thursday, March 21, 2013

Steamed Veggies and Brown Rice

Yep, that's right... pretty basic.  Today I woke up sore from the gym, without an ounce of creativity in my blood stream.  All I could think of was "healthy... must eat healthy".  Vegan food is sort of known for being healthy, yet, one could eat nothing but potato chips and still be considered vegan.  So without further or due, a vegan meal that is unmistakably healthy, and pretty good too!

(GF)This meal is naturally gluten free, if you opt. not to use a faux meat.

Under all of that luscious gravy, there's a vegetable or two!
4 Cups of cooked brown rice (I chose organic)
1 head of broccoli
4 or 5 medium sized potatoes
4 carrots
1 cup loosely packed baby spinach

Gravy Ingredients:
1 Cup of cashews (roasted or raw)
2 tsp. onion powder
1/5 tsp. garlic powder
1 tsp. salt (I like to use pink Himalayan salt, just because it's healthier than regular, but that's optional)
2 Tbs. Cornstarch
2 tsp. chicken-like seasoning
2 cups of water

~First, start cooking your rice according to the package directions (don't forget to keep an eye on it, while you're cooking the other stuff)
~Second, cut your vegetables into bite size pieces (you don't want them to big, or it'll take a while to steam) Leave the spinach out, til you're making your plate, it's raw in this recipe.
~Blend your gravy ingredients until no graininess can be felt between the fingers (smooth), it's easier if you blend with 1 cup of water until smooth, and then add the second cup and blend for a few more seconds.
~Pour your gravy into a small pot and heat on medium low to thicken.  It should be runny after blending, but the cornstarch and the heat thicken it quickly, so watch and give it a stir once per minute or so.
~Throw your veggies into a steamer (except spinach).  You can steam them all together, but I like to first steam the carrots and potatoes, and add the broccoli in the last 10 minutes, so that it retains it's bright green color.
~Steam for about 30 minutes, and check with a fork to make sure they're soft.  If not, steam 10 more minutes.
~Once your rice is cooked, your gravy is as thick as you'd like, and your veggies are soft, layer them as follows:

Brown rice on bottom, then sprinkle with raw spinach, then veggies, then gravy.... Enjoy!

**Feel free to add a faux meat like Morning star "chicken strips", if you don't mind the gluten

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Quick Homemade Biscuits

Sometimes you just don't have time to get out the rolling pin, the cookie cutter, and let dough rise twice, re-knead, re-rise....etc... Let's face it, most of us never have time for that.  Solution?  Quick rise biscuits with baking powder!  I use Rumford's because it's aluminum free.  Did you know that lots of foods and cosmetic products contain aluminum?  Like most deodorants.  Aluminum builds up in our bodies over time and can cause metal poisoning, which is a huge contributor to Alzheimer's and depression.  Any who... no aluminum for me! Thank the Lord they sell Rumford's at Walmart.  These quick biscuits can be used for "bacon, egg, and cheese" biscuits (Tempeh, tofu, daiya), jelly biscuits, or biscuits and gravy, and they only take about 20 minutes total to make, including cooking time.  I high jacked this little gem from a cookbook called "Vegan Homestyle".  This is not a gluten free biscuit! Sorry my precious GF babies!

1 cup of whole wheat flour
1 cup of unbleached white flour
1 Tbs. baking powder (Aluminum free please)
1 tsp. salt (I love sea salt)
1/3 Cup oil (I use coconut or olive)
3/4 Cup almond milk (or soy, hemp, rice, flax... any alternative will work)

~preheat oven to 475°
~mix dry ingredients in a mixing bowl first
~add wet ingredients
~mix until all dry ingredients are wet
~take portions whatever size you like ( I like bigger biscuits, so I use about 2 heaping Tbs. of dough) and roll into balls.  Give them a little pat to flatten them into biscuit like shape
~place on an oiled cookie sheet
~bake for 12 minutes (10 for smaller biscuits)

Serve hot with raw organic honey and cinnamon (like pictured), or use anyway you would use a regular biscuit;  biscuits and gravy, jelly biscuit, etc.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Scrambled "tegg" and Avocado Breakfast Wraps

I don't know what grilling tortilla dough does chemically to a wrap, but it changes the taste.  It makes something magnificent, memorable, and pretty.  Who wants to eat something ugly, right?  Bare with me, I'm a little off this morning.  Perhaps it's the recent move, or maybe it's that I haven't slept an entire night in four years... who knows? Okay, now what was I saying?  Oh, yeah! Wraps!  As with most recipes, this can be changed to your liking.  But I think it's smashing the way that we had it this morning.  This is a breakfast wrap, filled with avocado mostly, but complimented with a protein, like scrambled tofu, or eggs if you're so inclined.  You add a few more sandwich type fillings, and then make it wet.  Yes, make it wet.  "I just LOVE dry wraps and sandwiches" said no one ever.  Sooo, you've gotta lather this baby up with some creamy stuff.  Then, you close up the wrap, and sear it on both sides.  MAMA MIA!  You could eat these without pan searing them, but I've tried it, and they just don't have that BOOM of flavor.

(GF) To make these gluten free, I have often used rice wraps instead of tortilla, but you can't pan sear rice wraps :(  No worries though, they are pretty darn good.

I always pair these with fruit... mmgood.
5 large tortilla wraps
2 ripe Avocados (I like organic)
1/2 ripe tomato (optional)
pinch of alf alfa sprouts (optional)
1 (12oz) box of Mori Nu silken tofu scrambled (Scrambled Teggs recipe here)
About 20 leaves of baby spinach (1 cup?)
1/2 Cup of vegan mayo (I use Vegenaise)
1/4 Cup of Cashew Cheese (optional, but so good!)
1/2 Cup of shredded Daiya Mozzerella 
3 strips of cooked Fakin Bakon, or a Tablespoon of artificial bacon bits

~lay out your 5 tortilla wraps, and slather with vegan mayo and cashew cheese. (Keep in the middle, because the outer edges will be folded, see picture of open wrap)
~scramble your tofu according to the directions in my other recipe HERE.
~put about 4 leaves of baby spinach on each wrap
~spread a pinch of alf alfa sprouts longways on each wrap
~slice your avocados and make a little train of slices down the center of each wrap
~do the same with tomatoes
~sprinkle daiya mozzerella (as much as you like)over that
~pull your "bakon" strips into little pieces and add sparingly, you don't want to use a whole strip probably, because it's over powering in my opinion.  Or sprinkle on your artificial bacon bits
~top with your scrambled tofu (it may not seem like a lot, but distribute evenly... your other ingredients are the bulk of the wrap.  (or you could always double the scrambled tofu, for hefty wraps.

Sorry it's so sloppy, I'm off my game today!  But you get the idea.
~now that you've got all of your ingredients in the middle of your tortilla, it's time to wrap it up
~fold the sides in first (which would be the top of this picture, where the ingredients are closest to the edges)
~then, holding the sides in, wrap the big sides in
~take a medium sized frying pan, and spray it with oil, and turn it to medium high heat
~as the pan is getting hot, wet the flap of the wrap with a little water, and put it open side down.  The water will seal the wrap shut as it heats, so that it doesn't open while your eating it. (scroll back up to the top picture and see how the wrap looks sealed by the heat)  I just run the open flap under a thin stream of tap water, and close it as I'm taking it to the pan.  This is optional, it just helps seal the wrap.
~sear wrap for about 2 to 3 minutes on each side.  Don't leave it long, they'll burn!
~if you accidentally burn the wrap, you can scrape off the burnt part with a butter knife
~cut wraps in half, and serve hot

Non-vegans love these wraps! Enjoy.  Oh, and feel free to add mushrooms, onions, or whatever you like!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Garden stuffed macaroni

Today's dish was a big healthy success! If I haven't mentioned it before, I LOVE italian food.  As I gazed into the pantry two giant boxes of oversized macaroni stared back at me.  It only took a few seconds to realize that that macaroni needed to be done away with; what better way to de-clutter than to create something fantastic.  There are three different versions of this listed.  My favorite is the simple garden veggie version.  But, if you're feeling indulgent, you add a few ingredients to make it creamy and cheesy.  You can also change it up by topping it with Pesto instead of Marinara.  I love stuffing stuff!! And we just stuffed our faces! This vegan meal can easily be created without fancy ingredients or a blender... just some good ole' fresh produce and seasonings!  Oh, and pasta, don't forget that!

(GF) To make this dish Gluten Free, simply use the gluten free pasta of your choice, and make sure your marinara has no added wheat or gluten.

0.5 Tbs. oil ( I used olive oil)
1 tsp. Lemon juice
1 tsp. Salt (I use Sea Salt)
2 tsp. Garlic Powder
1 box of giant macaroni shells or manicotti
1 jar of marinara ( I use Barilla tomato basil)
2 Cups chopped portobello mushrooms 
2 Cups of gently packed baby spinach
1 Cup chopped purple onion
1 Cup chopped zucchini (1 medium sized zucchini)
1.5 Cups chopped sun ripened tomatoes

Add these for a creamy option:
1 package of firm Mori Nu tofu crumbled
3/4 Cups Vegenaise (or home made vegan mayo)
1 Cup Daiya Mozzarella 

This is the Creamy option, before marinara is added.

~Pre-chop all of your veggies very small.  You're going to be stuffing pasta, so they'll need to fit easily.
~Cook 1/2 the box of macaroni shells according to the directions on the box (if you plan to add the ingredients listed above for the creamier option, you'll need to boil the entire box.
~While that is boiling, put your oil in a medium sized sauce pan and saute all of your vegetables with the spices and lemon juice on medium heat.  It will look like a lot of veggies, but they will all shrink down small after sauteing.
~Don't add water or oil, after they saute for a minute, the juices from the veggies will be enough to cook everything thoroughly.  If it is dry and sticking to your pan, turn the heat down some, and add maybe just a teaspoon of water.
~Give your veggies a stir every couple of minutes to make sure that they're all well coated with the spices and juices.

~After your veggies are cooked down and the onion is clear, either remove from heat, or add your creamy option ingredients.  The creamy ingredients will take about 5 or 6 minutes to melt and mix in.  Stir every couple of minutes.

~Heat your marinara on low, in a small pot, just enough to warm up.
~Strain your pasta, and run cold water over them.  You have to pick them up when stuffing, and you don't want to get burned.
~Take the giant pasta one by one and fill with your sauteed vegetable mix (usually a heaping table spoon, but fill to your heart's desire).
~After you have several filled on one plate, top with warm marinara (as much or as little as you like, but I used very little, because I only want to compliment the stuffing, and not over power it).          
~Serve immediately with a crisp green salad and garlic bread.

**You could also top with a creamy pesto instead of marinara.  That gives it a totally different taste and look, but is equally as delectable!  Enjoy!