Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Portobello Burgers

Sometimes you just want a big ole fat juicy burger... and then your conscience kicks in and reminds you that your choice to eat healthy or save the planet have confounded you to fight the urge.  Solution?  Portobello Burgers!  Now some have said to me that eating a giant mushroom grosses them out.  As a matter of fact my dear sweet husband said this to me a few years ago when the subject came up.  I have but one suggestion to overcome this nasty fear of fungi...DON'T THINK ABOUT IT.  Seriously, do you think about where that burger you wanted comes from or what all that piece of meat has endured since the slaughter house?  I think not.  Some things are just better forgotten, right?  Besides, the health benefits of eating mushrooms have proven for centuries something to be desired.  Here's a quick link for a few of those benefits.  Also, there was a recent study (<---click to see study) done on obese patients that resulted in major weight loss, just by replacing the meat in their meals with mushrooms.  I have really taken to this idea lately.  I've decided to cut back on the processed foods, which includes vegan meat alternatives that contain high levels of sodium, soy, and gluten.  This is quick and easy, and it tastes awesome!

When shopping for Portobellos:
You can find portobellos in most grocery stores, in the produce section.  You want to make sure your bellas are fresh, by avoiding ones that have dark, deep indentions in the caps.  Also, take a whiff.  If they smell like feet, or have mold growing on them, walk away!  Lol...  portobellos don't stay fresh for long, so you'll want to keep them refrigerated, and use them within a few days of the purchase.  Also, when washing your bella caps, if they are super slimy, and not easily rinsed, that's a sign that they are going bad.  Again, note the smell.  Each portobello cap represents a burger patty, so make sure you get plenty for each person you plan to serve. Oh and don't purchase the baby portobellos, these are unmistakably large.

(GF) To make these burgers gluten free, use a gluten free bun, or simply eat without the bread.

Washed and ready for seasoning.

~Large Portobello Mushroom caps (enough for everyone)
~1/4 Cup Bragg's  Liquid Aminos or Soy sauce (make sure it's gluten/wheat free if going for the GF option
~1 Tbs. of your favorite burger seasoning (I prefer Mccormick's salt free all purpose seasoning, because your Bragg's or soy sauce will be salty enough)
~Burger fixins (bun, tomato, onion, ketchup mustard, avocado, etc.)

My Portobellos fully seasoned and ready for the oven.

~Gently rinse your portobellos caps, and remove the little button stems on bottom (you can cut them off, or just pull them off... but be gentle) (if your caps tear it won't ruin the taste, they're just not as pretty)
~Don't worry about removing the gills from the bottom of the caps, they actually help hold in the seasonings, and they're perfectly eatable
~Place portobello caps belly up (top down) in a casserole dish like pictured above; they don't have to be perfectly flat
~Brush, or dowse with your Bragg's or soy sauce, then sprinkle with your seasonings
You don't have to fill the dish with Bragg's or soy sauce, because the portobellos quickly absorb the liquid and retain it well.  You also don't want to marinate them overnight, because the salt taste is too overpowering.  These are much more absorbent than meat.
~Cover with plastic wrap or foil, and put into the refrigerator for at least 45 minutes, but no longer than 2 hours before cooking (I usually marinate mine while making breakfast and then cook them for lunch when it's time)
45 min- 2 hrs later....
~Remove covering and bake for 45 minutes on 350 for 4 portobello caps (if you have an oven full, then you want to add about 5 minutes per cap) Or grill about 5 minutes on each side (according to thickness)
The idea is to cook them thoroughly, without leaving them dry and crispy or drenching wet (just for good texture purposes)  
~While baking or grilling, have your buns ready!  Get all of your onions, tomatoes, and avocados cut and in place, so that all you have to do is put the portobellos on and eat.
~Once finished cooking, just carefully with a spatula place on your bun with all of your favorite fixins'.

Placed on the bun, just like a regular burger.

Hope you enjoy this non-processed alternative to a meaty burger.  Comes with guilt-free pleasure and weight-loss!

Served with oven baked potato wedges and sauteed asparagus sprouts with lemon-garlic sauce :D.