Monday, September 10, 2012

Heart burn/Acid Reflux Remedy

In a perfect world all people would be the same, and each bodily malfunction would be treated the same.... but this is not a perfect world, and unfortunately each person is different.  So while this remedy works for most, if you have an odd issue causing your acid reflux, this may not work.
Did you know that medications like Nexium and Prilosec are the most prescribed medications on the planet? ! The idea behind most of these medications, including Tums and the like, is too inhibit, or stop acid production in the stomach, but come to find out, less acid is not what we need!  Actually a high percentage of Acid Reflux, or GERD (Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease) is caused by a lack of acid production in the gut.  So if you're taking these medications, you could be exaggerating the problem.  There's a tender balance of acids and alkalines in the gut, and disturbing that can cause a burn like the fires of Gahanna!  Try replacing the acid with a citric acid.

Ingredients: 1 Lemon

Cut lemon into 4 pieces
Squeeze once piece into your mouth and swallow juice, and then eat the "meat" of that piece
Discard the peel
Feel the burn! (current erosion in the esophagus will make itself known by burning while swallowing the lemon juice
Wait 5 to 10 minutes
If your problem is lack of acid production, your heart burn or acid reflux will be gone within minutes

To reduce Heartburn and acid reflux stay away from vinegar... that includes condiments like ketchup, mustard, and salad dressing!  Coffee and carbonated beverages exacerbate the pain also.

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